Joanna Lamb

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Pool [4] 2021
350 x 500 cm
State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia
Purchased through the Art Gallery of Western Australia
Foundation: Tomorrow Fund, 2021
Photo: Bo Wong

Gardens 2024
Art Collective WA at Melbourne Art Fair

One Day Like This 2023
Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney

Pool [5] 2021
350 x 500 cm
State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia
Purchased through the Art Gallery of Western Australia Foundation: TomorrowFund, 2021
Photo: Bo Wong

Joanna Lamb, January 2014, Sullivan + Strumpf

01 Armchair With Table And Lamp

Armchair with Table and Lamp
2013, acrylic enamel on aluminium with neon, 164 x 130cm

02 Drawer With Lamp

Drawer with Lamp
2013, acrylic enamel on aluminium with neon, 164 x 60cm

03 Exterior 201302

Exterior 201302
2013, acrylic on canvas, 124 x 160cm

04 Exterior With Pool 201301

Exterior with Pool 201301
2013, acrylic on canvas, 124 x 160cm

05 Laminex Interior 201302

Laminex Interior 201302
2013, Laminex on aluminium, 80 x 75cm

06 Laminex Interior 201305

Laminex Interior 201305
2013, Laminex on aluminium, 80 x 75cm

07 Laminex Interior 201303

Laminex Interior 201303
2013, Laminex on aluminium, 80 x 75cm

08 Laminex Interior 201304

Laminex Interior 201304
2013, Laminex on aluminium, 80 x 75cm